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Pourghazian crackle paint on wood
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Pourghazian crackle paint on wall
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Pourghazian crackle paint on wall
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Pourghazian crackle paint on wall
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Pourghazian crackle paint on wall
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Metallic Pourghazian crackle paint
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Pourghazian crackle paint on plastic
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Pourghazian crackle paint on wall and wood

Pourghazian crackpaint

Warning for use crackpaint

Popular problems in applying this paint and the manner of solving them

use a suitable and strong thinner

For this purpose, dilute the normal paint with thinner 002 (high quality thinner 10000) and dilute the metallic crack paint with thinner 001 (high quality thinner 20000) and dilute oven crack paints with thinner 003 (strong oven thinner).

Don't add excessive thinner to the paint

Our suggestion to you is to use the volume equivalence of the crack paint being used with any structure with its suitable thinner, but since this paint is usable with any tools including the brush, the roller, palette knives and the types of painting pumps (air pump, airless pumps,…), adjust the volume of the needed thinner experimentally (whether lower or higher). The lowest thinner being used is for painting palette knives, brushes and rollers, respectively and the highest thinner is for painting pumps.

Use shiny primers

using high quality shin primers helps you to produce larger cracks, although the speed of opening the cracks also increases.

When using hand made metallic primers (adding corona to the killers), use a layer of shiny killer on it after complete drying.

Using semi-opaque and opaque primers makes you unsuccessful in using this paint.

Be careful that the primer does not excessively dry

Excessive drying of the primer causes the cracks become small or sometimes disappear, because the sliding surface is not available for the paint to open and the sprayed crack paint can't provide the movement necessary to the cracks to open.

Don't spray the paint in wet environments.

Paint spraying in wet environments makes the cracks be excessively small and in some cases, it makes it not successful.

Diluted crack paint must not also be kept without a cap in wet places.

Don't even keep the suitable thinner of the crack paint without a cap in wet places.

The paint spraying environment must have a suitable ventilation.

Since the crack paint dries in a short time, it is evident that the volume of vaporized thinner in the environment also quickly increases. Suitable ventilation reduces the negative effects of the vapors of the thinner released in the environment.

Not using two component paints as the primer

don't preferably use quick drying two component paints as the primer of crack paint, although it is suggested that depending on the operating conditions, test them once on raw surfaces.